Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Going Green

Although the whole of Dallas truly believes that St. Patrick's Day always happens on a Saturday, and is meant to be spent catching jello shots at the morning parade and joining mobs of crowds lugging around as much beer as they can without collapsing, I have a disturbing announcement :

Reality check, Dallas. Today is St. Patrick's Day.

And in honor of this oh so Green Day, I wanted to celebrate the color by showing off the many different ideas for incorporating green into your interiors.

A hint of lime:
I think that green is one of the best and easiest to use for pops of color in a room. This summer cottage is one such example. And let me tell you, I would voluntarily swim with sharks to have this room, wouldn't you?

Green in the walls:
This trellis wallpaper in a green hue adds fun into this entryway, and keeps the feel young but elegant. Bike ride anyone?

Going all out, Green Style:
Sometimes the color can be overwhelming to work with, but presents itself to be quite beautiful when you take a risk and go for it... Take a chance... as you can see by this dining room, it is SOO worth it!
And so, with green ideas in my head and my fabric swatches in hand, this is how I prefer to celebrate today. No offense to the many on Saturday who, by the end of the day, truly believed themselves to be actual leprechauns.
Happy Green Day!

But of course it's different now, the blues is no longer blues, it's green now.
-Ruth Brown

Photos courtesy of Eddie Ross, Habitually Chic, Country Living