Saturday, March 20, 2010

Large Human

I'm Back folks. My crazy schedule has not allowed me even time to sit down and write, but now that things are settling down again, I can finally take some weight off my feet....and blog.

My brother, Sam, turned 20 two weeks ago. WHAT!!?? I still remember playing around with him as a child, and not being able to wrap my head around what he would look like at this age, or what he would sound like...
Well, we now have a 6-3 large human who's voice is so low it causes people to believe they are being summoned my God himself when he opens his mouth, and I could not be more proud. I love that giant more than anything..

Since I am a " designer in training", as my boss likes to mention to everyone ( because I'm not quite there), my handsome now 20 year old brother expects that I can perform miracles and turn his not so decor- friendly college room into a work of interior art. We shall see about that.
Here are a couple of things I thought might work for a college friendly house ( assuming that It will all be virtually unrecognizable after frat bros and future soirees get a hold of it...

Antlers. What could be more masculine than a dead animal hanging on the wall?

This den adds a manly touch by incorporating horns into the space. For Sam's bedroom, this would be way to many. But a couple would be enough to get some " dude, that's awesome" comments from his friends.

Nail Heads
If you are not into nail Heads right now, you should be. They are all the rage in the design world. If you are looking to add a classic touch to a space, Nail Heads are the way to go.

For example, in this bedroom, looks like someone went nail head psycho . But the result is fabulous, adding masculinity and tailored edges to the furniture and headboard.

That's right, trunks aren't only used for storing your old ski clothes. Unless its plastic and multicolored. DON'T, I repeat, DON'T try to decorate with those.
These vintage Louis Vuitton suitcases serve as a bedside table in a bedroom. Needless to say, Sam will not be getting a vintage designer trunk. But there are alternative trunks at places like Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma Home that might do the trick.

After 20 years of watching my brother grow in so many more ways than his enormous size, I cant wait to see where he goes from here . Let's just hope his travel up is over for good.

Please Lord, let him always fit through doorways, and never put him through the torture of having to shop at Big and Tall. AMEN.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Going Green

Although the whole of Dallas truly believes that St. Patrick's Day always happens on a Saturday, and is meant to be spent catching jello shots at the morning parade and joining mobs of crowds lugging around as much beer as they can without collapsing, I have a disturbing announcement :

Reality check, Dallas. Today is St. Patrick's Day.

And in honor of this oh so Green Day, I wanted to celebrate the color by showing off the many different ideas for incorporating green into your interiors.

A hint of lime:
I think that green is one of the best and easiest to use for pops of color in a room. This summer cottage is one such example. And let me tell you, I would voluntarily swim with sharks to have this room, wouldn't you?

Green in the walls:
This trellis wallpaper in a green hue adds fun into this entryway, and keeps the feel young but elegant. Bike ride anyone?

Going all out, Green Style:
Sometimes the color can be overwhelming to work with, but presents itself to be quite beautiful when you take a risk and go for it... Take a chance... as you can see by this dining room, it is SOO worth it!
And so, with green ideas in my head and my fabric swatches in hand, this is how I prefer to celebrate today. No offense to the many on Saturday who, by the end of the day, truly believed themselves to be actual leprechauns.
Happy Green Day!

But of course it's different now, the blues is no longer blues, it's green now.
-Ruth Brown

Photos courtesy of Eddie Ross, Habitually Chic, Country Living

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Porch, Please.

I have a dream...

As the winter slowly lifts, and we all begin to see the first signs of nature waking up,
I think I speak for all of us when I say, " Bring on the porch lounging."

One single problem: No Porch Here! Patio, Si. Porch, No.

Sooo... in order to fill my void of porchlessness, I can only look at pictures of what someday, somewhere in the future ( fingers double crossed around my back) I will be one day sitting on my very own, sipping sweet tea and watching the day slowly fade...

A Charleston Porch, deep sigh...

A traditional southern wrap-around porch... I can picture many suppers on this baby in the Summer.

A Screened porch with a swing...simple but perfect.
Hey, one can always dream...