Monday, August 23, 2010

Sweet Tea and Such

The South. Even word makes me want to put on my seersucker dress and sip on a glass of sweet tea while lounging in the nearest Adirondack Chair...
Even though Texas is torn between South and Southwest, I will always, I repeat ALWAYS, consider myself a Southerner. The thought of being categorized with Westerners makes me a bit squeemish, thus causing me to sink deeper into the joys of all the former Confederacy has to offer.

Let me take you on a trip to Southern Comfort.

Garden and Gun Magazine

Love love love this magazine. I can assure you, if you ran to buy up all the ammunition on earth when Obama went into office, or just enjoy some skeet shooting now and then, this is the magazine for you. It has everything from recipes to the best hunting in the South.

Billy Reid
One step in this Alabama based clothing designer's store and you will be frolicking in a field of bow ties and button downs. The decor is a step back into a home of the late 1800's, and makes you never want to leave.

Monogrammed Linens
Napkins, Clothing, Chairs, Pillows, Shoes... the list goes on and on. I think if Southern Girls had a choice, every inch of personal space would bear their own initials.

Magnolia Trees
Magnolia Tree Bloom
You know you are in the South when the sweet smell of magnolias fills the air. When I catch the scent, I am consumed with the memory of being a little girl climbing their branches and cutting their flowers for a supper center piece.

Soul Food
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A Sunday lunch with a spread of fried chicken, Mac and Cheese, Collard Greens, and Cobbler is how my family spent many a Sabbath. I can still taste my Gran- Gran's cobbler. No wonder I was a chubby adolescent. No regrets whatsoever.

God Bless the memories, and God Bless the South.